Private and Confidential
May 2007
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Reflections in May focussed on the need and nature of system
change that humanity requires to preserve and enjoy the biosphere.
There is debate about whether or not humanity will, is, has or never
will reach a limit to growth. Many say Malthus
and the Club
of Rome are wrong and forecasts of growth limits have been proven
wrong time and time again as technology has provided resource leverage
which has resulted in more consumption, both in quantity and quality.
But that is only correct if your perspective is personal and you have
not considered the Big
Picture. It is deluded to think that the planet is healthy and
humanity is happy, simply because our perspective is selfish and short
term. We think and behave as if a lifetime is a long time.
But in the context of the biosphere it is a second. And the seconds
are ticking.
When was the last time you had fresh water? Perhaps you never have.
Perhaps it has always been treated, filtered, pasteurised, bottled.
And you are rich, not one of the billions of poor people pushed to the
edge of existence by others' greed. The limit of physical growth
has surely been reached. While the attention to spiritual growth
has been ignored and neglected if not ridiculed.
There are many who talk about and even work towards a "sustainable" model.
Whether it is investors, industrialists, politicians, journalists, artists,
scientists, all too often their perspective is that others must change,
and their initiatives are wholesome. But it is rare for world leaders
(i.e. people with stuff like us) to actually make changes themselves.
Perhaps you can reflect on your own company, business or industry and
consider what it is actually doing to moderate consumption. Invariably
the answer is "not enough", if not "nothing".
Take for example carbon trading. (Which is a very good thing because
it focusses attention on a critical aspect of the biospheres balance.)
Carbon trading is like buying indulgences.
It was once a common practice for people to pay the Catholic church for
a blessing or indulgence absolving the purchaser of sins and perhaps even
more. Of course, this was simply a way for the Roman Catholic church
to make money. And it was a convenient way for ignorant and superstitious,
but wealthy individuals to feel good and be seen in a bright light by
peers and society. They did not actually have to do anything to
make amends, to redress the harm that they may have done. Is that
not like big companies buying carbon credits so that they can feel good
about themselves, look good in the eyes of society, but actually not do
anything to redress the pollution and inequity that they perpetuate?
An industry that I focus on, the finance industry, is perhaps the best
example. It is a particularly relevant example because "money makes
the world go round". Or as we say: "Energy is the currency of the
biosphere. Money is the blood of our world." (Money is the
proxy for our values which is not
always a happy thought.)
So let's briefly reflect on the world of money. Just in the past
year, as a slew of high level globally endorsed scientific reports have
come out warning us of the Inconvenient Truth of global warning.
So now it is acceptable to talk about the environment, sustainability
and related issues. Clean tech investment has ballooned, doubling
in the past year. Responsible investment has taken on a new dynamic
so that all established fund managers are pitching their green, sustainable,
ethical, SRI funds.
Unfortunately, little has changed in the way in which the funds are managed.
There has been little innovation in the structure of the financial services
industry. Funds continue to separate management responsibility and
reward from investors'. Few managers have demonstrated a commitment
to ethical principles by restructuring investment or compensation dynamics.
Vanguard remains one. But where are the others? A few small
innovators are walking the talk - read about the Appleseed Fund in the
Investment section. But even the pioneers
of sustainability are doing less than they could. Why, for example,
is Al Gore, backing a vehicle that invests in listed equities? His
fund does not actually finance green technologies, it pays its money to
other investors for their shares; it is a secondary transaction.
And why has the fund not structured itself to align the interests of investors,
managers and holdings? Because David Blood would not be able to
take such a nice fee and because they haven't even thought about it (or
hadn't when I spoke to him at the fund's inception).
So while we can pat ourselves on the backs for beginning to wake up to
the fact that the planet is dying (as well as half the human population)
we have done little to actually address the core problems - we eat too
much and we care too little. We are teenagers. And if we are
large companies we might even be a little psychotic.
Reflections in May were therefore rather sober. But not hopeless
because change is happening and increasingly it is the change that is
needed - a holonic
system change. An emerging intelligence that is accelerating and
may allow humanity to enjoy the excitement of space age technology.
It is small DIY communities of business, science, politics and industry
that are the models for tomorrow. There is no future in a few big
units of human agglomeration whether that is company or country.
We are all in this together and we must put others first before we will
be able to create a system that reflects the realities of nature.
And it will happen in my lifetime ... or not at all.
Investment, Finance & VC
Standard & Poor's 500-stock index hit its record in May, catching
up with the peaking of the narrower Dow Jones Index, and the growth in
stock prices continued in May, not just in the US but also Europe and
Asia. The market for luxury goods also continued to show exuberance
as both Sotheby's
and Christie's set records for contemporary art auctions, including
records for individual artists. From New York to Shanghai there
is a buoyant mood of speculation. But it still seems to be built
on shaky foundations, particularly in America where the housing market
is still slowing, consumer spending is slowing, inflationary pressures
remain and corporate profit growth seems to be slowing. As discussed
last month there is tremendous liquidity built upon credit. While
this party could go on for a while, as the pyramid of credit extends to
more people around the world, both in emerging and developed markets,
the picture is worrying as trends are looking vertiginous.
Finance 101 tells us that leverage in a business where the return on
assets exceeds the cost of debt is infinitely attractive, which is presumably
the rationale that is getting borrowers excited. But the elementary
lesson also teaches that in reality there is a limit to the amount of
leverage that is beneficial, even in good times. And when operating
returns come under pressure, the bottom of the pyramid,
and even a few people at the top, get wiped out.
Nevertheless, timing the market is prone to mistakes. The dotcom
bubble was evident by 1998, but continued for a couple more years before
it deflated. Just make sure that you've got a chair to sit on when
the music stops. How do you do that? With diligence
and luck. On the diligence front I would strongly recommend
diversification: internationally, by industry and by asset class if you
can; and seek value in individual opportunities, that is, critically review
the cost of your investment.
Shanghai Composite Index fell 6.5% following Beijing's decision to triple
the tax on stock transactions from 0.1% to 0.3% in an attempt to cool
the country's overheated stock markets. But it did not stay down
long. The Shanghai Composite Index has risen over 60% this year and has
quadrupled in value since the start of 2006 to close over 4,000. Strong
demand from domestic investors, many of whom are using savings to buy
shares, is helping to underpin gains. While it is certain that a
stock market bubble is being created, and will deflate, it is unlikely
to have a disastrous effect on the Chinese economy, which is predicted
to expand by 10.4% by the World Bank. And while consumption falters
in the US, retail sales in China grew at an annual rate of 15.5% in April
according to official figures, beating forecasts and marking the fastest
pace since 2006. Jewellery, grains and building materials saw rises
of over 30% pa. Consumption is driven by the expanding Chinese middle
class, many buying property, and government initiatives to encourage spending,
by lowering taxes especially in rural areas.
While analysts, including former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan
warned that the Chinese stock market could undergo a dramatic correction,
the stock market's capitalisation is only about 25%
of GDP compared to 150% in the US and a major correction would not
have the same kind of impact in China as it would in the US. However,
a dramatic correction in China's stock market, maintained for a few weeks
might be part of a destabilisation of other markets, including the US
With its massive reserves ($ 1.2 trillion), mostly held in US$,
investment of $ 3 billion for 9.9% of leading private equity group Blackstone
is worth noting. There may also be a story behind the connection
between Stephen Schwarzman, co-founder of Blackstone, and President Bush,
who were "dorm roomies" at Yale and members of the highly secretive Skull
and Bones Society. But you can be certain that this opportunity will be
well used by China. While both parties are likely to benefit, China
will get an inside look at the machinations of an experienced financial
team with a US capitalist culture, which will help them deploy the remainder
of $ 300 billion ear-marked for investment. This deployment in itself
may signal a diversification of currency holdings in Asia (see Interest
and Currencies below).
Lest we forget the other giant of Asia, note that the Indian
market has increased nearly 50% in the past year. The market PE is about
29, which is in dotcom territory. We spoke about the massive growth
in capital deployed in the Chinese markets last month, and it is the same
in India: mutual fund assets under management increased 16% in May to
a record $102 billion - a $14 billion increase in just one month.
But it's been just five stocks that have pushed the Sensex to its
14% rise since April 1. Also,investors are not allowed to short
stocks - investors must go long. India is therefore also setting
its stock market up for a tumble. This might occur when short selling
is introduced which may occur this summer.
With the imbalance between US markets and its economy, combined with
lower volumes in summer which can raise volatility - it is worth asking
if the run up in the US is a deluded last hurrah whose demise will be
triggered by deflation of Asian stock markets.
Turning to Europe and Germany, research group GfK expects
its confidence index to hit 7.3 points in June, up from 5.7 points in
May. This is unexpectedly good news.Many analysts were expecting
consumers to be less optimistic because of higher sales taxes, and interest
rate rises. However, it seems that consumers have shaken off their worries,
boding well for growth in Europe's largest economy. And having had
the privilege of spending a couple of days in Germany in May, the stability
and strength of the economy was visible.
In Spain, the property bubble fuelled by speculation
both by local and foreign players may be about to unwind. A number
of local officials have been arrested recently on allegations of fraud,
money laundering and corruption linked to housing projects. And
a new law was passed demanding that official documents will list everybody
who has owned any piece of land in the five years before its development
and senior local government officials will also have to declare their
assets. This combined with rising interest rates may moderate property
prices in the coming months.
While asset prices seem bubbly in the US, China, India and parts of Europe,
Africa's rise continues. African economic growth
is expected to reach nearly 6% in 2007, the highest in 20 years, according
to the African Development Bank.Overseas demand from China and other rapidly-growing
nations for natural resources, including oil, has been a cause for growth.
The region's economy grew by 5.5% in 2006, with South Africa, Nigeria
and Algeria among the strongest nations. Oil-rich Nigeria saw its
GDP grow by 5.3% last year and is set to expand 7% this year in an environment
of increasing political stability - including a peaceful transition of
government in May. Zimbabwe remains desperate, being beset with
soaring inflation and slowing agricultural output, and will continue its
zombie performance under current administration. (Unfortunately,
even this rapid growth is not be adequate for Africa to hit its goal of
halving the number of people living in extreme poverty within eight years.)
Economist published a special report on international banking.
It is worth a glance because it is quite comprehensive and mentions the
word risk a lot.
Responsible Investing
The recognition of the benefits of green practices
among executives is expanding very quickly, according to the report, "The
Greening of Corporate America," which is the latest in a series of extensive
SmartMarket reports released by McGraw-Hill and produced in partnership
with Siemens Building Technologies. According to the study, in less
than 2 years the American business community will have reached a tipping
point in sustainable practices, when more than 80% of companies will have
opted for sustainable materials in at least 16 percent of their building
stock. 18% of the corporate leaders surveyed are in a position to transform
the market -15% view sustainability as a competitive advantage and the
other 3% are actually driving their entire businesses through this value-driven
Rising energy costs were identified as a fundamental driver of green
building in corporate America, with an overwhelming 75 percent of participants
listing that trend as a major motivator.
Among the other notable findings are:
Government and internal management are strong drivers of green activities.
Risk concerns are no longer the primary reason for a company to move
toward sustainable practices.
60% of CFOs see the market differentiation that sustainability activities
and green building can provide their companies, with over half of
other respondents seeing this same benefit.
63% of CEOs recognize the financial benefits of green building, and
67% of them see a specific operating cost benefit from green.
57% of respondents think green fosters innovation within their companies.
Efficiency in Buildings is a useful, recent report from WBCSD.
And the May/June Progressive
Investor issue is devoted to investing in green real estate.
Magazine released its first listing of the World's Most Ethical
Companies. There criteria are evidently appropriately rigorous
because out of thousands of organizations that the editors surveyed over
a six-month period, fewer than 100 companies made the final list. The
process included reviewing the companies' codes of ethics, litigation
and regulatory infraction histories; evaluating companies' investment
in innovation and sustainable business practices; looking at activities(ESG)
designed to improve corporate citizenship; studying nominations from senior
executives, industry peers, suppliers and customers; and working with
consumer action groups for feedback and rating. Researchers included editors
from Ethisphere Magazine as well support from SustainAbility, World Business
Council for Sustainable Development, Trillium Asset Management Corporation,
Winslow Management Company, ForestEthics, Women's Equity Fund, The Center
for Business Ethics, and New Alternatives Fund. The full list includes
90 companies spanning the globe in 29 sectors. Ethisphere
Magazine has the full list on its website.
Environmental and social issues including climate change, energy use
and labour and human rights practices are now issues for mainstream investors
as well as enlightened investors. Institutional
Shareholder Services, a major provider of corporate governance and
proxy voting services, is creating a global Sustainability
Risk Reports database. Drawing on an extensive set of over
400 environmental, social and governance factors, ISS's company profiles
offer in-depth qualitative analysis to help assess and compare companies'
ESG performance across industries. Among the many factors assessed in
the ISS reports are carbon emissions, energy use, labour standards and
ethics. ISS also analyses each company's disclosure practices, adherence
to ESG policies and its Board's oversight of ESG issues. By allowing such
transparency to be compared across companies and sectors, it will enable
all stakeholders to more effectively compare and benchmark company performance.
In the special Summer issue of Green
Money there is a rare selection of articles by some of the leading
lights of enlightened investing:
Ahead: The Next 15 Years - by Amy Domini
Don't Know What Tomorrow Holds, But I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - by Gary
Next 15 Years - by Hazel Henderson
Competitive Advantage of Bioregions - by Spencer B. Beebe
Socially Responsible Investing to Sustainable Investing - by Joe Keefe
The Future of Socially Responsible Investing - by Joan Bavaria
the Year 2022 - by Barbara Krumsiek
Landscape of Food Fifteen Years Down the Road - by Deborah Madison
Emergence of Patient Capital - by Woody Tasch
Our World Towards Sustainability - by Allan Savory and Christopher Peck
the World with Community Investing - by Jean Pogge
Ecological Investment Risk - by Carsten Henningsen
Responsible Investing Around The World - by Tessa Tennant
Gets a Warmer Embrace from US Companies - by Mindy S. Lubber
A podcast interview with John Huntsman, founder and chairman of Huntsman,
a major chemicals and plastics company, is really inspiring here.
This self made billionaire talks about how to build a sustainable ethical
business. He even uses the "L" word!
Over three quarters of respondents to a survey, by Fleishman-Hillard
and the National Consumers League, said US companies
had poor records on CSR, with a big focus on sectors
such as energy, food, chemicals and pharmaceuticals as needing more
oversight by authorities. A large majority of Americans, from
all sides of the political spectrum, have said that they would look
towards legislators to correct poor CSR performance by US businesses,
according to a recent survey. 96% of Democrats, 80% of Independents,
and 65% of Republicans say that it is either very or extremely important
for congress to ensure that companies are addressing social issues.
Climate change research
from JPMorgan is now available. The research
studies the economic, legislative, and business developments of current
and projected carbon controls. JPMorgan states that they are releasing
their research publicly as an example of their commitment to the environment.
We draw your attention to the Appleseed Fund, launched
December 2006, for its enlightened investment principles (which closely
match GRI Equity's management policy). The portfolio is guided by four
disciplined value investing,
socially responsible investing,
low shareholder expenses, and
portfolio manger ownership.
The Fund has worked to keep fees competitive with other actively managed
SRI equity funds. With only 15-20 portfolio companies, the Fund plans
to hold onto an investment for four years, limiting the transaction costs,
reinvestment risk, and the tax burden of the Fund’s shareholders. The
Fund is a no-load mutual fund and has waived management fees through December
2008 to keep the Fund’s net expense ratio at 0.90% to minimize the performance
drag that fees can have on returns. Its five portfolio managers
are also co-shareholders in the Fund with collective investments representing
about 20% of the Fund’s total assets. “By eating our own cooking, so to
speak, we think our interests will be better aligned with outside shareholders’
interests,” say the managers.The Appleseed Fund has generated a 4.7% return
through the first quarter of 2007, compared with the S&P 500 Index’s
0.7% total return during that same period. According to Morningstar, the
Appleseed Fund’s year-to-date return as of May 22 is 10.67%. It currently
has $5 million in net assets.
Innovest Strategic Value Advisors has released updated Intangible Value
Assessments for the 17 companies in the new Consumer Finance sector.
How companies respond to rising consumer over-indebtedness and manage
growing regulatory scrutiny is a key driver for strong performance in
this sector. Although the medium-term outlook of the overall sector is
rather bleak as more stringent credit regulations and reforms are now
underway or being proposed, companies were favourably rated relative to
peers if they were successfully diversifying their operations away from
the business areas under stakeholder scrutiny and swiftly adapting to
new regulatory requirements ahead of the enforcement and of competitors.
The McKinsey Quarterly offers Investing
in sustainability: An interview with Al Gore and David Blood.
The former vice president and his partner in Generation Investment
Management, an investment-management firm argue that sustainability
investing is essential to creating long-term shareholder value.
Blood and Gore (ha ha) present the usual arguments underpinning sustainable
investing, though some of them weigh more heavily in the private investing
and VC sphere than listed investments. Unfortunately, they are still
mute on how their business model and approach is itself a sustainable
innovation. Like most others, it is not, and based on a brief conversation
with Blood when they started the business, it is not even on their radar
which begs the question: are they any different from the rest of the pack?
Unfortunately not, particularly given their high profile - they are doing
little to enhance the investment/finance industry.
Venture Capital
John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins talks
and tears about climate change. He doesn't yet have the answer, but
he's started to think about the problem and has probably stimulated a
few others in the business to do the same.
Southwest Windpower Inc., a
maker of residential-scale wind generators, has raised $6.5 million in
Series B funding. NGP Energy Technology Partners led the deal, and was
joined by return backers Altira, CTTV Investments and Rockport Capital
Imperium Renewables
Inc., a biodiesel producer, has filed for a $345 million IPO. It
plans to trade on the Nasdaq under ticker symbol IMPR, with Morgan Stanley
and Lehman Brothers serving as co-lead underwriters. Imperium is run by
former venture capitalist Martin Tobias, and has raised funding from such
firms as Nth Power, Technology Partners, Vulcan Capital, BlackRock Investment
Management, Capricorn Management and Silver Point Capital.
INI Power Systems Inc., a
developer of methanol-powered fuel cell systems, has raised $4 million
in Series B funding. MHI Energy Partners led the deal, and was joined
by individual angels.
Greentech Media Inc., a
provider of online content about the greentech industry, has raised $1
million in Series A funding co-led by Lightspeed Venture Partners and
Northport Private Equity.
Emap PLC has agreed to acquire GroundSure,
a UK-based provider of environmental due diligence, from shareholders
like Metropolitan Venture Partners. The deal is valued at up to £44 million,
including an initial £30 million cash payment and up to £14 million in
earn-outs over the next two years.
Ecosorb SA, a Brazil-based environmental management company, has received
$5 million in first-round from Stratus Group.
Virgin USA has acquired a majority
stake in CircleLending Inc.,
a Waltham, Mass.-based manager of loans between relatives, friends and
other private parties. No financial terms were disclosed. CircleLending
had raised $16 million in total VC funding from backers like Venrock,
Monitor Company, Intel Capital and the Omidyar Network.
Tesla Motors Inc., a maker
of electric cars, has raised $45 million in Series D funding. Technology
Partners and Elon Musk co-led the deal, and were joined by Capricorn
Investment Group and return backers Vantage Point Venture Partners,
Draper Fisher Jurvetson, JP Morgan Bay Area Equity Fund, Valor Equity
Partners and Compass Venture Partners. Tesla had raised a $40 million
Series C round last summer.
Petra Solar, a developer
of power electronics for solar energy systems, has raised $14 million
in Series A funding. DFJ Element and BlueRun Ventures co-led the deal,
and were joined by National Technology Enterprises Company.
SunLink Corp., a provider
of solar mounting systems for the commercial market, has raised an undisclosed
amount of Series B funding led by Clean Pacific Ventures.
Inc., a maker of silicon wafers for photovoltaic panels, has raised
$27.1 million in Series C funding. D.E. Shaw led the deal, and was joined
by Mitsui & Co. and return backers Applied Ventures, Big Sky Ventures,
Firsthand Capital Management and Greenhouse Capital Partners. Solaicx
has now raised around $39 million in total VC funding since 2005.
Shunda Holdings Co. Ltd., a China-based maker of mono-crystalline
silicon ingots and wafers, has raised $82 million in private equity
funding. Actis led the deal with a $40 million infusion, and was joined
by Chinese institutions Jolmo and Waichun. Shunda is a supplier to
solar cell manufacturer Suntech, an existing Actis portfolio company.
LDK Solar Co. Ltd., a China-based
maker of multicrystalline solar wafers, has filed for a $400 million
IPO. It plans to trade on the NYSE under ticker symbol LDK, with Morgan
Stanley and UBS serving as co-lead underwriters. Shareholders include
Jafco Asia.
Inc., a Internet telephone company, has raised $20 million in
Series C funding. Intel Capital led the deal, and was joined by return
backers Sequoia Capital and Globespan Capital Partners. It previously
had raised around $8 million.
Technorati Inc., a search
engine for the blogosphere, has expanded its Series C round to $11.52
million, according to a regulatory filing. It held a $7.6 million first
close last June, and later expanded the round to $10.52 million. DG
Incubation, operator of Technorati Japan, is listed as a new shareholder,
alongside existing backers Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Mobius Venture
Tioga Energy Inc., a provider of solar power purchasing services,
has raised more than $10 million in first-round funding. Participants
include NGEN Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Rockport Capital, DFJ
Frontier and Kirlan Ventures. Tioga is basically a restart of CerOx Corp.,
which closed earlier this year after having raised around $15 million
over two rounds.
MuleSource, a provider
of open source infrastructure and integration software, has raised $12.5
million in second-round funding. Lightspeed Venture Partners led the deal,
and was joined by Hummer Winblad Venture Partners and Morgenthaler Ventures.
The company raised $4 million in first-round funding last October.
Interface21, a provider of open-source
software for building and deploying mission-critical enterprise applications,
has raised $10 million in Series A funding from Benchmark Capital. Peter
Fenton, a Benchmark general partner, will serve on the Interface21 board
of directors.
Hyperic Inc., a provider
of multi-platform open-source systems management, has raised $6.1 million
in second-round funding from return backers Benchmark Capital and Accel
Partners. Hyperic launched in 2004, and raised an initial $3.8 million
round in May 2006.
Pegase Medical Inc., a developer of natural base products for the
animal market, has raised Cdn$3 million in first-round funding. Backers
include Innovatech Quebec, Fonds Bio-Innovation, Lodial Capital and Benoit
NanoH2O, a water purification
startup, has raised $5 million from Khosla Ventures.
Emerging Capital Partners
has closed its second EMP Africa Fund with $523 million in capital commitments.
The fund will seek minority or majority equity positions in companies
throughout Africa, with a focus on larger markets such as Nigeria, South
Africa, Egypt, and Kenya.
Interest Rates and Currencies
The US Federal Open Market Committee left interest rates unchanged
on May 9, but kept the message that "although inflation pressures seem
likely to moderate over time, the high level of resource utilization has
the potential to sustain those pressures." Despite recent data reflecting
an easing in core inflation (excludes food and energy), tight labour conditions,
a weaker dollar, strong growth abroad and ample liquidity leave open the
possibility that inflation could rise.
In China, the one-year lending rate is going up by 0.18%
to 3.06%, while the one-year deposit rate is rising by 0.27% to 6.57%.
It is the fourth rise in a little over a year in its attempts to rein
in economic growth. Also, just ahead of the economic summit between
China and the US, the People's Bank of China widened the band that the
Yuan can trade against the dollar from 0.3% to 0.5% per day.
Widening the trading bands is a modest step towards freer currency movements
because the Yuan rarely approaches its current trading limit of 0.3% and
the parity rate is still set each day by the central bank. China has also
increased the amount of cash that banks have to keep in reserve.Banks'
reserve requirements have gone up eight times in the last year, this time
they have gone up 0.5% to 11.5%.
Asian finance ministers have agreed plans to pool
the region's vast financial reserves to protect their currencies
from speculative attack. The agreement, reached at a meeting in
Japan, comes almost 10 years after speculators triggered an economic crisis
across the region. During the Asian crisis governments appealed to the
International Monetary Fund for help, but the IMF imposed punitive conditions
in return for stabilisation packages. These often involved sharply reducing
government spending, and raising interest rates, thereby forcing companies
out of business. Unemployment and poverty rose, and governments changed.
To prevent this kind of chaos, China, Japan, South Korea and members of
ASEAN have agreed the new pool.
There has been contention that Asian central banks would diversify from
US$ for some time now, but it has not happened. Perhaps the news
that Asian central banks are planning to pool assets in order to manage
currency exposure is the harbinger of a new policy of currency diversification.
And China's investment in Blackstone (see Investment
above) is a sign of diversification.
There is also a new dynamic - inflation. Inflationary
pressures felt in the US and Europe might be multiplied in Asia as prices
of basics are pushed up. It seems to be happening in India and may
continue. If the trend continues, and fundamentals suggest that
it should given the scarcity of soft commodities. The interest rate
and exchange rate policy of Asian central banks may change. While trade
imbalance has not motivated a change in policy, more popularly felt structural
change of inflation may galvanise a change in policy. That would
help rebalance global currency flows, and would be a challenge for the
US to manage as the demand for dollars abroad might wane. As demand for
US$ bonds wanes, interest rates would be pressured up, and the cost of
Asian currencies would rise, increasing import costs and further fuelling
US inflation.
All of these signs suggest complacency about the stability of the US$
would be imprudent.
The Bank of England raised interest rates by a 0.25%
to 5.5%. The increase, the first since February, takes the cost
of borrowing to its highest level since 2001. Analysts had widely expected
the rise as the Bank aims to rein in inflation. Business and employers
groups accepted that the latest rise was "necessary", but added caution
was needed in future so as not to slow UK growth too much.
Trade and FDI
As mentioned in Geopolitics the hard ball approach
of the US to trade relations with China
is not productive and the US would be better served by a more integral
approach. In the first four months of 2007, the US lodged three
formal complaints against China in the World Trade Organization, and
for the first time in 22 years it applied countervailing (anti-subsidy)
duties to imports from China. The actions have been met with incredulity
and anger in China and the United States, fuelling speculation that
a trade war is imminent. We do not think that is likely because China
holds most of cards and tends to take a patient approach, unless aggravated.
Nevertheless, for a more conservative (Republican) view, Daniel Ikenson
explains why he believes a trade war is unlikely - “Under [WTO rules],
members can retaliate in response to an action or inaction of another
member only when such a course has been authorized by the Dispute Settlement
Body, and only in measured proportions.” In a new Cato Free
Trade Bulletin: Growing Pains: The Evolving U.S.-China Trade Relationship,
Daniel Ikenson puts recent actions into context by suggesting they “are
not extraordinary actions demanding extraordinary conclusions.” Ikenson
offers a defence in principal, arguing that the “three recent U.S. WTO
actions are all about encouraging China to open its market further in
accordance with its commitments.”
A US agreement on trade between the Bush administration
and Congress takes the demand for the integration of labour standards
in trade treaties up a further notch. The display of bipartisanship, with
Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker, appearing with Hank Paulson, Treasury
secretary, and Susan Schwab, US trade representative, has been the cause
of widespread celebration. However, as Jagdish Bhagwati notes, the compromise
consensus to insert stronger protection of labour rights into US trade
deals has dangerous implications for the world trading system. The proponents
of the compromise make a serious mistake when they assume that domestic
consensus on trade policy is a sufficient condition for further trade
liberalisation. Trade needs at least two parties. Unless your trading
partners agree with what you propose, your own consensus is well nigh
useless. The problem is that, except for bilateral agreements with small
countries (or groups of countries, such as Central America) with little
political power or with overriding security interests, the developing-country
trading partners of the US are generally opposed to the inclusion of labour
(and other non-trade-related) requirements in trade treaties, agreements
and institutions. The US bipartisanship is no guarantor of virtue.
The US record of the US using WTO trade rules to force Europe to accept
GMO and GM contaminated products from US agri-pharma companies illustrates
the disingenuous approach of the US using an unrelated tool to coerce
access to markets they wish to exploit. The deal illustrates a disconnect
from reality as the US drives protectionist trade measures despite the
need to maintain flows to keep the US economy buoyant.
Activities and Media
For the past three years I've enjoyed the BeTheChange
gathering in May. Unfortunately, the format has changed to cater
to UK consultants. However, I was blessed with an invitation to
participate in Making
Green Pay a Salzburg
Seminar (Session
442).This 5 day excursion to a palace in Austria served as a annual
training and holiday. The setting is splendid. The organisers
professional and friendly. The 30 or so participants provided a
very broad spectrum of views being from a range of industries and representing
22 countries from around the world - I left feeling I had made friends
with many. The discussions were valuable. I highly recommend
anyone to visit Salzburg and participate in one of these seminars if you
ever get the chance. It is far removed from an air-conditioned hotel
networking event where people are selling themselves to one another.
It is top class. The Salzburg Seminars, started by 3 Harvard students
aiming to build intellectual and ethical ties between Europe and the US,
celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. If you can not go on
business, this summer various celebrations are taking place. The
palace, Schloss Leopoldskron, is an education in itself and you might
recognise it having been a setting for the Sound of Music.
On the journey to Salzburg, I took the opportunity to spend a day in
Munich where I caught up with a friend from school.
Touring the city I managed to cover a lot of ground from Nyphenburger
Palace to downtown, including residential neighbourhoods, the central
street market, a community garden allotment and even a large cemetery
. And my gracious host was a font of information about Germany and
Bavaria. It was a wonderful experience which left me wanting more
and knowing that there is much to learn from this part of the world.
The strongest impression was that Germany's reputation far undersells
the place. Whether it be in town or rural planning, food, architecture,
social diversity, quality of life or people.
I also learned a bit more about Angela Merkel, who I previously thought
was competent, but now know is far more than that for a whole host of
reasons from her extraordinary upbringing in east Germany, to her career
trajectory. Most importantly she is an enlightened change agent
most clearly demonstrated by her unpartisan, pragmatic and integral approach
to resolving issues. Someone who works to create a nurturing environment
for all stakeholders, for the future and for the planet. I hope
to see her continue to be able to influence Germany, Europe and the world.
Apart from that tour, May is always a busy time in the garden
so days have been spent weeding, tilling and planting. The roof
extension that I'm building also occupied dry days. Evenings were
used to play catchup in the office.
Pratchett expects to publish his next book in September. I only
mention my hero's novel Making
Money because after less than a month its already ranked 137 on
Sales Rank in Books from presales! I guess other people like him
too ...
For news on China from China, browse China
View, the Xinhua news site.
Yahoo!'s Media Group introduced Yahoo!
Green, a new, one-stop eco-site offering the latest news and tips
for green-motivated consumers. is a new
public interest website providing examples of sustainable and positive
change. According to the founders "We pay special attention
to tools, ideas and models that may have been overlooked in the mass media.
We make a point of showing ways in which seemingly unconnected resources
link together to form a toolkit for changing the world."
Check out the newly launched Encyclopaedia
of Life which is an interactive log of species all over the world.
You too can make a contribution if you've a good photo of a species not
yet logged.
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share it.
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